
Take the number 12559368794347 for instance.
The first thing you need to do is break the number down into groups of three, working from right to left, so: 12,559,368,794,347
Next, you need to work out what each group of three numbers represents. So, again working from right to left, the first three are hundreds, tens and units, the next three are thousands, then millions, followed by billions, and finally trillions. Don’t worry about the actual numbers at this stage; all you need to do is create groups of three to find out what the starting point is, in fact, if written properly, the number will already be broken up into threes by commas (,). One comma means the starting point is thousands, two commas is millions, three is billions and four is trillions.
Back to the number 12,559,368,794,347As you can see there are four commas; so we know to start with trillions, and now reading left to right we have 12 TRILLION (note we do not say trillions), then five hundred and fifty-nine BILLION (again no “s” after the number), followed by three hundred and sixty-eight MILLION, then seven hundred and ninety-four THOUSAND, and finally three HUNDRED and forty-seven.
So, putting it all together: twelve trillion, five hundred and fifty-nine billion, three hundred and sixty eight million, seven hundred and ninety-four thousand, three hundred and forty-seven.
● 485,729,476 = four hundred and eighty-five million, seven hndred and twenty-nine thousand, four hundred and seventy-six.
● 67,492,857,699 = sixty-seven billion, four hundred and ninety-two million, eight hundred and fifty-seven thousand, six hundred and ninety-nine.
And some number for you to practice with:556,495,838,597 | 3,758,305,876 | 4,676,870 |
748,659,679,884,737 | 4,657 | 54,236,890,642 |
3,456,843,956 | 46,575,839 | 34,567 |
1,749,607,344,657 | 43,567,803 | 456,456,456,456,456 |
- 556,495,838,597 = five hundred and fifty-six billion, four hundred and ninety-five million, eight hundred and thirty-eight thousand, five hundred and ninety-seven
- 3,758,305,876 = three billion, seven hundred and fifty-eight million, three hundred and five thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six
- 4,676,870 = four million, six hundred and seventy-six thousand, eight hundred and seventy
- 748,659,679,884,737 = seven hundred and forty-eight trillion, six hundred and fifty-nine billion, six hundred and seventy-nine million, eight hundred and eighty-four thousand, seven hundred and thirty-seven
- 4,657 = four thousand, six hundred and fifty-seven
- 54,236,890,642 = fifty-four billion, two hundred and thirty-six million, eight hundred and ninety thousand, six hundred and forty two.
- 3,456,843,956 = three billion, four hundred and fifty-six million, eight hundred and forty three thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six
- 46,575,839 = forty-six million, five hundred and seventy-five thousand, eight hundred and thirty nine
- 34,567 = thirty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven
- 1,749,607,344,657 = one trillion, seven hundred and forty-nine billion, six hundred and seven million, three hundred and forty-four thousand, six hundred and fifty-seven
- 43,567,803 = forty-three million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and three
- 456,456,456,456,456 = four hundred and fifty-six trillion, four hundred and fifty-six billion, four hundred and fifty-six million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, four hundred and fifty-six.