

Establish a simple study routine



Establish a simple study routine. A little every day is better than, for example, a big session once a week. First thing in the morning and last thing at night are generally considered the best times of day to study.


Studying last thing at night is good because your brain processes and strengthens new memories when sleeping and, according to experts, there’s a better chance of you remembering what you were thinking about immediately before going to sleep.
However, don’t try anything too taxing if you feel overly tired, you’ll just fall asleep and remember nothing!


Studying first thing in the morning is also good because your brain will have finished processing information accumulated the previous day, and will now be ready and have room to absorb more. Having a clear mind means you can concentrate more intently on what you are doing, and you can think in English before starting to use Chinese, or filling your head with mundane daily matters.